Mickey's Good Deed is a Christmas-themed Mickey Mouse animated cartoon released on December 17, 1932. Set during Christmas at the height of the Great Depression, the cartoon depicts Mickey and his dog Pluto as poor street performers who try to make it a happy Christmas for an even poorer family.
On Christmas Eve, a homeless Mickey, accompanied by Pluto, is playing Christmas carols on a stand-up bass for change, but all the stuff he ends up getting is useless.
He then goes to play outside a rich family's mansion, where spoiled brat Adelbert inside refuses all the expensive toys that his father and the Butler try to give him. Then, upon hearing Pluto's howling, Adelbert walks over to the window and peers outside. Upon seeing Pluto, he decides that he wants a dog. At first, Mickey refuses to sell his companion, but when his bass gets destroyed by a passing sleigh and he sees a house full of poor children with their father (who is apparently Pete) in jail and their mother crying, he changes his mind and sells Pluto to the rich family. He uses the money to buy lots of toys and a Christmas dinner in a basket. Then, dressed as Santa Claus, he delivers it to the poor children and their mother, who is now snoring when he makes it back to their house.
Meanwhile, Adelbert tortures Pluto. He throws expensive items, toys and foods at Pluto, his father and the butler. Adelbert's father has had enough and sends Pluto away, then he drags Adelbert onto his knee, pulls his pants down and spanks him for destroying their mansion and mistreating Pluto, much to Pluto's delight.
Finally, Pluto and Mickey are reunited and enjoy a roasted turkey tied to his tail.