Donald's Double Trouble is a Donald Duck short. It is notable for a short-tempered Daisy Duck, which reveals Daisy showing a dangerous temper similar to Donald's at the end of the short.
An infuriated Daisy, talking to Donald on the phone, berates him for his bad English and warns him to change his ways or she doesn't want to ever see him again. Devastated, Donald wanders down the street and comes across another duck who looks a lot like him but speaks in a very posh tone. Donald gets the idea to use this duck to help win Daisy back for him. The lookalike initially refuses, even when Donald agrees to pay for expenses, until he shows him a picture of Daisy.
That night, the lookalike duck goes to Daisy's house, while Donald watches from afar. When Daisy sees this duck, she thinks this really is Donald and goes on a date with him to an amusement park. As a result, not unlike with Mickey Mouse's love for Minnie Mouse being threatened by Mortimer Mouse, Donald has found in this posh-sounding lookalike duck a rival for Daisy's affections. Throughout the date at the park, Donald keeps tailing the couple and tries at every turn to hinder their love, but to no avail.
Things come to a head when the couple decides to ride the Tunnel of Love. Donald pleads directly with the lookalike not to take Daisy on the ride, but the lookalike ignores him, even pushing him underwater. Now, Donald's temper lost, he goes into the ride and proceeds to trash the couple inside. As their boat emerges, two male ducks, Donald and the lookalike emerge, holding hands, but must beat a hasty retreat from the park to escape the wrath of a humiliated Daisy.