Mickey and Friends Wiki
Devil Donald
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Devil Donald is the bad side of Donald Duck's conscience, personified as a shiftless and practical joke playing devil.


Donald's bad side makes his first appearance in Donald's Better Self. Donald's good side persuades Donald to go to school while his bad side tempts him to go fishing. He forces Donald to smoke and making him sick until he gets into fight with Angel Donald and got defeated.

In Donald's Decision, in this wartime retread of the latter, the Devil encourages Donald to be stingy and that war bonds are a scam, while Donald's Angel says that he'll be helping the war effort by making a loan to the US government.

In the Legend of the Three Caballeros, Devil Donald appears resuming the role of Donald's bad side. Humorously, he appears as both Donald's good and bad sides in "Labyrinth and Repeat". In "Mt. Fuji Whiz", Devil Donald turns out to be the ruler of the Underworld. He berates Baron Von Sheldgoosefor letting the Three Caballeros escape the Underworld and being a terrible manager and fires him. In "Shangri-La-Di-Da", he appears as part of Donald's vision about his inability to control his anger.


Other Appearances[]

  • Devil Donald was briefly seen on Weebo the Robot's monitor in the live-action film Flubber via archive footage from his debut short.

Mickey Mouse Villains: Pete, Mortimer Mouse, The Phantom Blot, Willie the Giant, Trudy Van Tubb, Sylvester Shyster, Dr. XXX, Gustav the Giant, Prince Penguin, Lonesome Ghosts (characters), Julius, Dangerous Dan and Idgit the Midget, Yeti, Bitter Flower, The Phantom Blot's nephews, Big Bad Wolf, Kat Nipp, Professors Ecks, Doublex, and Triplex
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Donald Duck • Scrooge McDuck • DuckTales Villains: Flintheart Glomgold, Magica De Spell, Beagle Boys, Grandpa Beagle, Ma Beagle, Granny Beagle, Emil Eagle, Argus McSwine, Cinnamon Teal, Lawyer Sharky, Azure Blue, Ben Buzzard, Paddy the Cop, Devil Donald, John D. Rockerduck, Spectrus, Merlock, Ottoperotto, The Beagle Babes, Beagle Brats, Volcano's Head, Mark Beaks, Bernadette The Chicken, Lord Felldrake Sheldgoose, Baron Von Sheldgoose, Leopold the Horrible, Don Karnage

Pluto Villains: Butch the Bulldog, Lucifer the Tough Cat, Pluto's Devil, Bent-Tail the Coyote

Goofy • Goof Troop Villains: Bradley Uppercrust III, Tank, Keelhaul Pete, Duke, Giblet the Clown

Darkwing Duck Villains: Negaduck, Bushroot, The Liquidator, Quackerjack, Megavolt, Tuskernini, Steelbeak, Taurus Bulba
